All Things

Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue. – 2 Peter 1:2-3 NKJV.  

King David had a son named Solomon who succeeded him to the throne. God did not allow David to build the Temple, but David gathered the materials and made other preparations for it to be built. Solomon was provided with all that was necessary so that He had the potential to be a great king. God gave Solomon great wisdom and knowledge, which Solomon used well to take the Kingdom of Israel to its highest glory. Solomon was born into the right situation as the favored son of the King and as that son was given all that was needed to be the greatest King the kingdom would ever see (Except, of course, Jesus).  

We as the adopted children of God have been born (born again – John 3) into the right situation and have been given all things necessary to live in righteousness and bring glory to God. We have been given all that is needed to have life and to have it abundantly. There is nothing missing. We who have been born again all have the potential to live in the right way and bring glory to God. Does this mean that we will all reach our potential? No. Do all royal children rise to the level of potential fulfillment that Solomon did? No. But we have the potential; we have all that is needed. We have been given all things that pertain to life and godliness. Nothing has been left out.  

We have been given in effect an instruction manual for life, which we know as the Bible. The Bible contains the very words of God. These words of God are alive and active sharp as a double-edged sword capable of piercing our hearts and changing our lives. Every word recorded in the Bible is “profitable” meaning every word is powerful and useful to give us instruction and correction. The Bible is the Sword of the Holy Spirit. The Bible has the potential to change and transform our lives but only if we immerse ourselves with the words of God contained within that Holy Book.  

We have been given the divine right to talk with our Heavenly Father in the Name of Jesus. We can talk to the Creator of the Universe any time we want to. Of the people that lived during the time of King Solomon very few were actually allowed to talk directly to the King. Oh, how wonderful it would have been for them if they could have shared with the King their concerns, worries, and heartaches. What a wondrous privilege we have been given but if we never take advantage of it then it means very little.  

We have been born into the Family of God, the Royal family of God. Every time we go to church or visit with another child of God it is as if we were in the presence of God Himself. Why? Because every child of God has a body that is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. God dwells within every person that has received Jesus Christ as their Savior. Jesus says, “For where two or three are gathered together in My name there am I in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20).” If we never go to church and never communicate with other believers in the flesh, person-to-person, we are missing out on a great blessing. Without taking advantage of this blessing, we will never reach our full potential.  

God has given us so much more through the “glorious riches of Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).” There are “great and unsearchable (mighty – KJV) things we do not know (Jeremiah 33:3)” that are available to enable us to reach our potential. The truth is that we can live like we know God wants us to live in righteousness. The truth is that we can have life, real life, abundant life, life pressed down and overflowing beyond our imaginations. We can have it all, but only if we take advantage, use what God has so wondrously and at great cost provided for us. Many of us are living beneath our privileges as royal family members.  

The royal treasury is open! Take all you want for there is a never-ending supply!

(We, the children of God, have been given all things necessary to enjoy the abundant life here on earth and for all eternity.)

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