Praise Him!

I am thankful that our country has two very large hospital ships. One, the Comfort, has been sent to New York and the other, the Mercy, to Los Angeles. However, Eduardo Moreno, did not think the hospital ship USNS Mercy should be in the Port of Los Angeles. 

Moreno indicated to FBI agents that he was suspicious of the Mercy and thought that it was part of a government takeover related somehow to the COVID19 pandemic. So, Moreno who is a train engineer tried to run his locomotive into the ship. 

A California Highway patrolman was watching as it happened and said this: “The locomotive crashed through a concrete barrier at the end of the track, smashed through a steel barrier, smashed through a chain-link fence, slid through a parking lot, slid across another lot filled with gravel and smashed into a second chain-link fence.” (It was still 250 yards short of the ship) 

Moreno told the highway patrolman who arrested him: “You only get this chance once. The whole world is watching. I had to. People don’t know what’s going on here. Now they will.” What he thought was going on, no one seems to know. Moreno has been charged with one count of “Train Wrecking.” I can think of some other things he could have been charged with including terrorism, because it was an act of terrorism. 

Sadly, you could also call what Moreno did “Life Wrecking.” Because he has certainly wrecked his life. 

We are all under stress during this pandemic and the stress is increasing as we may hear of friends or even family members and relatives having the virus. Now we are in addition to being encouraged to stay at home, we are being encouraged to wear masks when we leave our homes, and this will be a visible reminder of the threat we are facing too. It will also be another stress inducer for some. 

While we are experiencing significant amount of stress, we want to make sure we don’t do any Life Wrecking of our own lives. Let us remember that this pandemic was not a surprise to God. He knows where you are, He knows what you are going through. 

Isaiah 26:3 says: “You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You.” 

Let us during this difficult time put our hearts and minds upon our God. 

Hebrews 12:3 says something similar, “Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” 

We need to put our focus not upon the virus, not upon limitations that have been placed upon us, not upon the financial problems – Instead we need put our focus upon our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Stay our minds upon Him! 

Easter is almost here let us think about that first Resurrection Sunday and of how Jesus has conquered sin and death and become our Savior. 

Let us praise Him!

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