Hunters of Peace

Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another. – Romans 14:19 NKJV. 

The practice of this verse would revolutionize the world in which we live: “Pursue the things which make for peace.” So often when someone offends us, we may not retaliate but we become angry inside. This anger builds and builds until it finds a release. While the anger is building, we become bitter people. The anger can be defused. We can rid ourselves of anger by pursuing peace toward those who have offended or harmed us. As we “edify” them (build them up), thinking not of ourselves but of them (Philippians 2:3-4), our anger will begin to disappear. 

Bud Welch who lost a daughter in the Oklahoma City bombing would tell you that this is true. After his daughter’s death he was filled with hate. Until one day he reached out to Timothy McVeigh’s father. Through his effort of forgiveness and love toward McVeigh’s family Bud found he was built up and restored. His anger was taken away. 

We have a choice. We can be angry and bitter people who are offended at every little thing. They used to call this having a “chip on your shoulder.” Or, we can be forgiving and loving people. We can be hunters of peace, pursuing peace as a hunter pursues game. Instead of tearing down, we can build up.

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