
The only hope for the spiritually delusional of this world is Jesus Christ. Give them Jesus!...

The Best Wisdom

How do you obtain the wisdom that you need to live life wisely?...

Your Safety Rope

You need God's safety rope to live the abundant life God wants you to live....

One Brave and Wise Man

If you need courage, if you need boldness, if you need strength, if you need wisdom - there is only one way to receive it spiritually. You just need to spend time with your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ....

The Sky is Falling!

The question for all believers is this: If Jesus were to return today, or 20 years from now - will we be ready?...

The Way Out

God has given us a way out, a way to be reconciled with Him through Jesus Christ. Jesus says, "I am the WAY, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me (John 14:6)."...

Getting What You Want

Is what you have planned, is your goals in life, something that will bring honor and glory to God?...

Chasing Sticks

Let us stop chasing sticks, and instead let loose the power of God that resides within us....

Would Jesus Do That?

Begin doing what you know Jesus would do, and then hearing His voice about other situations will be much easier....

When All is Gone

When all is gone, when we are walking in the valley of the shadow of death, we still have the most important, wonderful, One of all, to be thankful for - God!...