Jesus Wants You!

We may not know whether or not we are wanted by the police unless we ask; however, we need have no doubt about our being wanted by God. God wants you!...

Slow of Heart

Common sense is not always in opposition to the will of God, and a little common sense can help to protect your heart from becoming bogged down in the muck of the world....

Believing Lies

Our enemies have no problem with calling "evil good, and good evil."...

Some Problems…

Some problems cannot be fixed with just a grill cheese sandwich....

Still Here

We are still here, still alive, still kicking as some would say, but what are we doing with our lives?...

Brace for Impact

We know what it means to "brace for impact"; however, after we have "braced for impact" so many times facing physical dangers it is difficult for us to take seriously spiritual dangers....

No Redundancy

Spiritually, there is no backup way, no backup plan of salvation. God has provided through Jesus Christ a completely adequate way of salvation for all who receive Christ as their personal Savior....


Whether it is the love of a husband and a wife, or the love of a believer for His God, that love should be priceless. As the Psalmist says we should be "satisfied" with that love....