Temptations – Part 2

There may be some spiritual pride involved in enduring some temptations when it would be better just to avoid them....


Did the devil make you do it?...

We Must Watch

In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus knew that ahead was Golgotha. Jesus was engaged in a mighty battle through prayer and He wanted His disciples engaged too. The battle has not ended and we should be fighting the spiritual battle with our Lord today....


Jesus knows about all of our worries and how we worry about our money. He has the foolproof place to put your money where it will always be safe....


We have enough surprises in this life without having another one when we die. Do you know where you are going when you die?...

Sitting It Out

In our spiritual lives sometimes, we are forced to the sidelines by God....

Are You a Fool?

Why is someone a fool not to believe in God? The answer is obvious according to the apostle Paul,"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen...."...


Are you a patient person? If not, you can be for it is God's will for you to have patience....

It’s the Law

Do you want God to give you justice, or do you want Him to have mercy?...

Shine the Light

Christianity is losing influence among the leaders of the United States. Maybe that is the reason we are seeing so much corruption among governmental officials....