Silly Stuff

Many of things that God would have us to do will appear foolish to the world....

A New Life

You can have a new life in Christ....

Are You Sinking?

If you are on a boat and it is sinking, what do you do? Do you continue to fish or do you take action? If you do decide to stop fishing and take action, what kind of action do you take?...

Love Your Neighbor

Loving your neighbor as yourself will save you many problems....


The apostle John pointed out that many people even then already had the spirit of the Antichrist and how much more so now....

The Legacy

By the way that we live our lives we leave a legacy to our descendants and to those who are touched by our lives....

Near Miss 2009 DD45

Are you all prayed up and ready to go? If not, you ought to be!...

Leave God a Message

We do not have to leave God a message instead we can just talk directly to Him....


Many are living their lives unaware of the fast-approaching time when we will see "the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory."...