Prayer Changes Things
Prayer is effective in changing illness into health, changing the lives of others, and changing your own life....
Change You Can Believe
Since there are so many who after professing Christ as their Savior that have fallen how can you believe anyone when they say they have changed?...
What Kind of Change?
Change that you can really believe in....
Today with the inauguration of Barack Obama as President of the United States marks a historic change....
The Stranger’s Voice
Be careful to follow only the voice of the Good Shepherd....
Fulfilling Your Purpose
God has a will, plan, and a purpose for your life....
A Listening Heart
To listen effectively we must first listen ourselves to the Holy Spirit....
In the Long Run
Our decisions have an impact far beyond our own lives and times....
A Safe Landing
Find out what you do when you find your life falling apart....
Fan into Flame
Every child of God has been gifted. That gift will become virtually unusable if not used and nurtured....