Are You a Runaway?

Jonah was a runaway from God's will for His life. Are you?...

The Right Path

Life is much simpler and easier when we have the right directions....

In Him

We are always only one heartbeat away from eternity....

Wake Them Up

The reason that the word "salvation" is mentioned by Jesus, Paul, Peter, and the writer of Hebrews in the New Testament is because there is something to be saved from and that something is hell....

Tanggung Djawab

What is the responsibility of the Christian? What is your responsibility?...

Things Happen

God is the only One who really knows what is going to happen tomorrow....

When Bad Things Happen

How should Christians respond when bad things happen? We should follow the example of the early church....

Great and Mighty Things

If you ask God will show you great and mighty things that you do not know....

Real Faith

Faith is still required to serve God and to please Him because we do not yet walk by sight but still must walk by faith....

There are Consequences

There are always consequences for sin because the wages of sin must be paid (Romans 6:23)....