Out of Gas

Jesus had a quiet time, and we need to have one too or we will "run out of gas" spiritually....

Return to the Lord

Once you have experienced the fellowship of God, to live life without His fellowship places upon you a sense of great emptiness....

The Devil is Selling Lemons

Before buying what the devil is trying to sell, we should think long and hard about the consequences....

New Birth

Jesus compares the salvation experience to the experience of birth in John chapter three and the apostle Paul describes this new birth in 2 Corinthians 5:17....

Laws of Combat

We Christians are all involved in combat, a spiritual war....

Dangerous Sleep

Many non-Christians and Christians are asleep to the spiritual dangers that lurk in the near future....

Where Are They?

God cares about us so much that Jesus died in our place on the cross. But do we have the same concern about others? We have been given a command, "Go therefore...." Are we obedient to that command?...

Follow Him

When your spiritual navigational system is uninstalled or inoperable what do you do? Find out!...