Stand in the Ways

Immorality is rampant across our world with no end in sight. The immorality appears to be rapidly increasing and not decreasing. It could, however, be changed....


We are often gullible and believe in things that are only illusions....

The Sport of Evil

A discussion of why some persist in doing evil....

No Fear

It is not God's will or plan for His people to live their lives in fear....

Surviving the Fall

Discussion of how to survive when everything comes apart in your life....

Some Clues

The Bible contains many "clues" about how to become a Christian and how to live as a Christian....

Christian Growth

Why some do not grow to maturity in the Christian faith....

Courage for the New Year

During this New Year we will face challenges and those challenges will require courage to meet and overcome them....

Deterioration of the Heart

What we put into our hearts and lives will eventually flow out through our speech and through our actions....