The Christmas Story

Reading of the Christmas story is a great tradition for every family to have....

Ordered Steps

Some days are so difficult that it would be wonderful if God could literally take our hands and lead us through it step by step....

Do Something

Sometimes we do not have time to pray about things, or seek advice, or study the Bible to find direction. Sometimes we just have to do something!...

The Mountain of Life

Endurance is required to reach the top of the mountain of life....

Running from God

Too often we human beings try to live life on our own avoiding the One who has the power to help us live life successfully....

Walk in His Ways

To walk in the ways of our Lord means that we actually put into practice what we know we should do....

Who’s Running Your Life?

Who is in charge in your life? Is God in charge or is it only your own personal whims that make the decisions?...

Grace to the Humble

Fasting is the doorway to supernatural power, but it is also a way of humbling yourself before God....