Ring that Bell

There has been and will continue to be increasing pressure against every form of Christian witness....

Can You Save Yourself?

Can you save yourself spiritually? Can you do enough good things to outweigh the bad things you do?...


When life gets crazy it is probably time for a time-out....

Your Friend

How to keep yourself from doing something terrible....

The Wrong Place

It is easy to get off course spiritually and end up in the wrong place....

In His Hand

The only place safety can truly be found is in the hand of God....

You Can Run…

There will always be someone who knows where you are, and what you are up to in your life....

Life is Like That

There will be tribulation and trouble for believers in this life because life is like that....

Peace in the Storm

The Lord still has the power to bring peace to your life....

Stealing the Kitchen Sink

When we become a believer, a Christian, it ought to make a difference in the way we live our lives and not just in what we say....