Gravely Wrong

There is indeed something gravely wrong with the individuals that committed the school attacks as there is with Rep. Foley. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg it appears....

Low Tech

Sometimes less is more in facing the giants of this world. This devotional was originally written and sent 04.23.01. It has been rewritten for today....


In the great panorama of life, death, and eternity - there are some frivolous things that we need to lay aside. This devotional was originally sent 5.03.01 - Rewritten for today....

Sinking in the Mud

There is so much mud around us on TV and on the Internet, it is easy to grow used to having the mud around us. Originally sent 04.24.01 - rewritten for today....

Tall Tales

With all of the violence and sexual immorality in the world, we tend to downplay the seriousness of lying. However, lying is still a serious issue with God....

Ripped Off

Does striving to live a life pleasing to God make a difference in the lives of others?...

Waiting for the Click

In Remembrance of 9/11. Originally sent on October 9, 2001....

No More

In Remembrance of 9/11. Originally sent on October 1, 2001....

Trust and Obey

In Remembrance of 9/11. Originally sent on September 17, 2001....

The Building is Safe

In Remembrance of 9/11. Originally sent on the one year anniversary....