The Building is Safe

Let us flee from the shifting sands of the worldliness and fleshly desire before it is too late....

Be a Hero

In Remembrance of 9/11. Originally sent on the one year anniversary....

Rescue Mission

We, as Christians, are called to run our own rescue missions to rescue the lost who are all around us....

Breaking Into Prison

Backsliding is an old fashioned word that we do not like to hear. However, it still adequately describes what many Christians are trying to do by living on the fence between good and evil....

Are You Ready?

There have been many failed predictions of the Rapture. However, those failed predictions do not diminish the reliability, the accuracy, and the truth of Scripture....

What If?

What if Ezekiel's War takes place prior to the Rapture of the Church and prior to the Tribulation period? What if this war is rapidly approaching?...

The Shock of Your Life

The coming great day of the Lord may cause you to be in for the shock of your life....

Not My Problem

Jesus has given us the ultimate example of compassion....

Foolishness and Arrogance

Foolishness and arrogance can cause problems in the church and outside of the church. The solution is the same for both....

The Law of Pain

Just like there is a Law of Gravity, there is a spiritual Law of Pain....