Category: Adversity

Fear Not

God stands with His children and strengthens them holding them in the right hand of His righteousness....

Biting the Hand that Feeds You

God is the One who gives us every breath of air we breathe, and He is the One who makes our heartbeat thousands of times every day....

Still Standing

When you are facing great adversity how do you keep standing?...

Overcoming Obstacles to the Abundant Life

God has a plan for you which will enable you to overcome the obstacles standing in the way of your experiencing the abundant life that Jesus came to give you (John 10:10)....

Surviving the Fall

Discussion of how to survive when everything comes apart in your life....

The Mountain of Life

Endurance is required to reach the top of the mountain of life....

Out of the Darkness

Life can be very difficult and it was very difficult for many of the saints of old. However, out of the darkness of great difficulty for many came the dawn, the arising of the Sun of Righteousness in their lives....

I Don’t Believe This!

When a cow falls off a cliff onto your vehicle and you live to tell about it, that is completely unexpected....

Stormy Seas

The stormy seas we sail are not the Atlantic or the Pacific, but instead are the seas of health issues, relational problems, financial needs and more....

Get Out!

Change can be forced upon us. Usually we are resistant to change. Sometimes change is disastrous. However, even in the worst of situations God can bring about good if we are willing....