Category: Christian Living

He Can Do It!

The spiritual fact is that you cannot successfully live the Christian life in your own strength....

The Best Wisdom

How do you obtain the wisdom that you need to live life wisely?...

One Brave and Wise Man

If you need courage, if you need boldness, if you need strength, if you need wisdom - there is only one way to receive it spiritually. You just need to spend time with your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ....

Getting What You Want

Is what you have planned, is your goals in life, something that will bring honor and glory to God?...

The Pretenders

What are Christians? We are just sinners saved by grace....

Be Yourself

There is not, never has been, and never will be another person like you....

An Empty Life

Instead of having an empty, meaningless, and unfulfilled life; you can be "complete" by living your life for the Lord Jesus....

Fear God – Part 2

If you do not have a fear of God, I pray that your eyes, and heart may be opened as were those of the servant of the Prophet Elisha. Because as Solomon says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge...."...

Do What You Can Do

This year, let us make the commitment to go beyond just thinking about doing great things for God, to actually attempting great things for God....