Category: Christian Living

Stand in the Ways

Immorality is rampant across our world with no end in sight. The immorality appears to be rapidly increasing and not decreasing. It could, however, be changed....

Ordered Steps

Some days are so difficult that it would be wonderful if God could literally take our hands and lead us through it step by step....

Do Something

Sometimes we do not have time to pray about things, or seek advice, or study the Bible to find direction. Sometimes we just have to do something!...

Who’s Running Your Life?

Who is in charge in your life? Is God in charge or is it only your own personal whims that make the decisions?...

Got an Attitude?

Your attitude can destroy you or make you and God can give you the right kind of attitude for success in life....

The Lonely Planet

We do not have to be lonely because God has provided a way for us to be so interconnected with others and Him that loneliness becomes a faded memory....

Saving Christmas

In order to save Christmas, it may be necessary to boycott Christmas in 2007, at least publicly. The tyranny of the minority has gone too far and it needs to be stopped....

Let Us Rejoice!

Let us remember that Christmas is a most special season of the year. It is when God became man so that we might have a Savior. Let us rejoice!...

Living the Right Way

We can do what the world wants and lie, cheat, and steal our way until we get to the top. Or we can live the way God would have us to live and experience His blessings upon our lives....