Category: Evil

Stop the Pain

There is a solution available to the pain and evil that is running rampant across our world....

An Outrage!

By ourselves we are inadequate, we need God to stop the reprehensible outrages being perpetrated in the United States....

Bridal Bandits

False Prophets and False Teachers are Bridal Bandits....

Pure Evil

A Biblical response to the evil represented by ISIS....

Works of Darkness

The creating of fear in children is harmful and damaging. It only serves to open the door for the enemy to create havoc in their lives. We should flee from the works of darkness and put on the armor of light....

Lucky Charms

There are great benefits available to all those who trust not in lucky charms, but in the One true and living God....

The Father of Lies

There is currently an assault on truth being engaged in by the devil and his children....


We have an enemy who is constantly seeking to take advantage of us in any way possible....