Category: Sin

Turn Back

If you are living in rebellion remember that the Lord Himself has prayed for you and wants you to come back. Turn back and experience a life better than you ever thought possible....

Mistaken Identity

As Christians our identity has changed and all things have become new....


The downward spiral of a life that turns into a freefall of destructiveness is preventable and correctable. It does not have to be that way....

Evil Schemes

Watch out for the devil's evil schemes....

Change Your Life – Part I

Are you happy with your life? Many millions, perhaps billions of people, are not happy with their lives. It may be time for a change in 2007....

Unfaithful – Part II

Our culture and our society, expects Christians and Christian leaders to live up to what they profess....


Sexual sins - whether committed by man or woman, are spiritually horrific and cause much damage to the lives of all involved....

An Intolerant God

Our God is intolerant of sin. Actually, the truth is that God hates sin. Originally written and sent 10.20.2000....

Sinking in the Mud

There is so much mud around us on TV and on the Internet, it is easy to grow used to having the mud around us. Originally sent 04.24.01 - rewritten for today....