Category: Sin

Tall Tales

With all of the violence and sexual immorality in the world, we tend to downplay the seriousness of lying. However, lying is still a serious issue with God....

The Building is Safe

In Remembrance of 9/11. Originally sent on the one year anniversary....

Breaking Into Prison

Backsliding is an old fashioned word that we do not like to hear. However, it still adequately describes what many Christians are trying to do by living on the fence between good and evil....

The Law of Pain

Just like there is a Law of Gravity, there is a spiritual Law of Pain....

Acting Like a Fool

By acting in a foolish way you can die before it is God's will for you to die....

Go Home!

Has life pushed you down so far that you think you can never get back up? Read and be encouraged....


If we sin and never experience the emotion of shame it may be because of one of two possibilities....

The Pet

Have you ever thought about your favorite sin as being similar to having a pet rattlesnake wrapped around your neck?...

Stealing the Crocodile

What is it that brings a person to the point that they would steal a crocodile?...

The Devil’s Toy Machine

Some people are like a three-year-old in a toy machine - they do not want to leave....