Category: Sin

You Belong to God

Because Christ has paid the price through His blood for your redemption from sin you are not your own, you belong to God....

Cleaning Up the Mess

When you have a moral mess on your hands the only way to clean it up is to put God first....

The Patience of God – Part 3

If we have tested the patience of God by living outside of His will, how do we make the course correction to live as we ought to live?...

The Patience of God – Part 2

If you are a child of God, if you really belong to Him, He will not allow you to walk in sin indefinitely....

Are You a Runaway?

Jonah was a runaway from God's will for His life. Are you?...

There are Consequences

There are always consequences for sin because the wages of sin must be paid (Romans 6:23)....

Return to the Lord

Once you have experienced the fellowship of God, to live life without His fellowship places upon you a sense of great emptiness....

The Devil is Selling Lemons

Before buying what the devil is trying to sell, we should think long and hard about the consequences....