The Armor of God
How to put on the Armor of God....
Fight Back
The first step in winning a spiritual battle is to be obedient to God....
Cutting and Other Self-Injuries
Cutting and self-injuries are demonically inspired....
Bad to the Bone
Christians must be on guard against demonic influences, i.e. "fiery darts" being sent into their lives....
We Must Watch
In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus knew that ahead was Golgotha. Jesus was engaged in a mighty battle through prayer and He wanted His disciples engaged too. The battle has not ended and we should be fighting the spiritual battle with our Lord today....
Demons aka Martians
There is a constant spiritual battle going on for the souls of all men, women, boys, and girls on Planet Earth....
Defeating the World
It is not you and you alone against the world. It is you and the Lord God Almighty against the world....
Shut the Door
Leaving the doors of your life open to the enemy is asking for trouble....
Laws of Combat
We Christians are all involved in combat, a spiritual war....
The Dayspring
God has an answer for all of the evil and darkness that is in the world. This was originally written and sent 12.13.1998 - rewritten for today....