A Secret Visit

The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry. – Psalm 34:15.

The judges in Israel were a little upset last week with the Justice Minister. Yossi Beilin who is Israel’s Justice Minister dropped in on several courtrooms in disguise on Tuesday. In spite of the disguise, dark glasses and blue baseball cap, some of the judges recognized him. The Israel Association of Judges released a statement expressing their “astonishment and displeasure” with Beilin’s actions. It must have been a shock to recognize their supervisor in their courtroom. You have to wonder whether their recognition came before or after they had made any improper statements or actions.

As Christians we do not have to wonder whether or not God will show up for a secret visit to check up on us. The Holy Spirit lives within us (1 Corinthians 3:16) hearing every word we say, every thought we think, and He sees everything we see. God monitors our every movement because He has His eyes on us 24/7. He has better technology than a spy satellite because God can see through the dark, through walls, and the view is always clear.

When we sin there is no way to hide it. When we fail He knows. When we fall He sees. When we’ve had all of sin we can take and we finally cry out for His help – He hears. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).”

What does God see as He looks at your life today?

(God monitors our every movement because He has His eyes on us 24/7.)

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