Your Best

Thus Hezekiah did throughout all Judah, and he did what was good and right and true before the Lord his God. And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, in the law and in the commandment, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart. So he prospered. – 2 Chronicles 31:20-21.

In the United States, Memorial Day is celebrated next week and along with it there has been much talk about the greatest generation, which is the title of a book written by Tom Brokaw. Americans born in the 1920s who came of age during the Great Depression, fought in World War II, and went on to build America are those Brokaw refers to as being a part of the greatest generation in his book.

Facing great adversity the greatest generation never gave up but continued on. They had a great work ethic, which I believed was instilled through the background of faith in which they grew up. America during those years was a Christian nation. As Hezekiah did what was good and right and true before the Lord his God so did much of the greatest generation. According to my uncle, my grandfather used to always tell him “if something is worth doing; it is worth doing your best. If you can’t do your best don’t do it.” I think Hezekiah would agree with that.

God does not expect us to be perfectionists, or to do the impossible. He does want us to do our best and He will do the rest. We see the evidence of this being true in the lives of the greatest generation.

Have you been doing your best or just enough to get by?

(Have you been doing your best or just enough to get by?)

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