Lost Treasure

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. – Matthew 13:44.

In Australia a man has lost his treasure. A middle-aged Irishman believes he threw out the winning lottery ticket (worth A$1.5 million or in American dollars $700,000) in an empty grocery sack. The city council of Kalgoorlie-Boulder has given the man special permission to search through the garbage at the city dump. It was reported that the man had spent four days searching, but was not sure if he would continue to search at this point. Sue Virgin a city spokesperson said “Can you imagine all the refuse at the tip (the garbage dump) after Christmas? It must have been disgusting.”

How disappointing it must have been for this man in Australia to lose his winning ticket, his treasure. To find it, he was willing to go to great lengths even digging in disgusting, stinking, garbage for days. If you have lost your treasure you will do all that you can to find it. Jesus speaks of a man who hides his treasure after finding it, and gives all he can to buy the field, and in doing so will then own the treasure. The treasure is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Some of us have lost our treasure. We were once on fire for God, but now we have gotten bogged down in the cares of the world. Many are bogged down in sin. Addictions have covered over the treasure of the Kingdom of Heaven in many of our lives. Some of our lives look like garbage dumps in the spiritual realm. We know it is true, but what do we do? We need to dig through all of the stuff that has covered up the true treasure. Whatever it takes, we should give it all to have the treasure of the Kingdom of Heaven restored in our lives. If someone will dig through a garbage dump for days for a lottery ticket surely we will dig for the spiritual treasure that has been lost in our lives.

How do we find our treasure? It will be necessary to throw out and dispose of some of the trash that has built up over the years. Cast off the sin that so easily besets us (Hebrews 12:1). Dig into the riches of God’s Word (Matthew 4:4). Ask God for his help (Matthew 7:7-8). Maintain contact with others who are treasure seekers as you can help each other (Hebrews 10:24-25). Shield your life from the trash that constantly tries to flow into our lives from the world, the flesh, and the devil (Proverbs 4:21; Luke 6:45).

Let’s start digging!!

(What to do if you lose a treasure.)

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