Which Master?

No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Now the Pharisees, who were lovers of money, also heard all these things, and they derided Him. – Luke 13-14.

Geri Halliwell, a former Spice Girl, donated some of her old clothes to a charity in Singapore. In response to a question about why she made the donation she said, What’s the point of keeping things? You should never let your possessions possess you.” I understand what Halliwell is saying, because I have felt in the past that some of my possessions have possessed me and have prevented me from serving my Lord in the way that I knew I should.

During a period of time when I was unemployed because of a downturn in the oil and gas industry, we were burdened with a large house payment at a high interest rate. I no longer possessed the house, it possessed me! We prayed for months that we would be able to sell the house. I finally prayed, and asked God to sell the house as a Christmas present for my wife. God did sell it, and we moved out December 26, 1983. We moved into a much smaller apartment, but it was wonderful to be free of the house that had held us back from pursuing God’s plan in our lives.

It is not just houses that can possess a person’s life and hold you in bondage. Almost any material thing can wreak havoc in your life. Too large of a car payment, or too much indebtedness to credit cards, and countless other things can prevent you from being obedient to your Lord, or at least from taking the very best course of action as you walk through life.

What Jesus said is very true, and we must choose, which master we want to serve. Which master are you really serving? God or material things?

(Possessions can become your master.)

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