The Trail

Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed. Pursue peace with all people, and holiness…. – Hebrews 12:12-14.

Michael Brown was arrested, after breaking into a bank, after hours in a small community in Arkansas. All of the bank’s money was in the vault, and unreachable, so Brown took what was available – candy. As Brown left the bank, he began to eat the candy (Dum-Dums); unwrapping each piece, and throwing the wrapper on the ground as he walked to his home. Police officers spotted the trail of wrappers, and followed it to Brown’s home at a mobile home park, where he was arrested.

Michael Brown vividly illustrates, that we each through the lives we live, leave a trail. It may not be as visible as the one Michael left, but it is still a trail. Some like Michael leave trails, which are not straight, and if followed will not bring healing, but further pain. Others leave trails that if followed, will bring healing and strength, to the weak and weary. The writer of Hebrews calls these trails “straight paths.”

If we would travel the “straight paths” and lead others along those paths, we must avoid the crooked paths. Anger is one of those crooked paths. We are told in Hebrews to “pursue peace with all people, and holiness” and we are warned “lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble.” Are there roots of bitterness marking your path? Or, is your path one marked by peace?

Today, where are your feet headed? Are they on the straight path lifting up the weak hands, giving strength to the weak knees, bringing peace to the troubled, and healing to the lame? What path, which path are you traveling today? What kind of trail are you leaving?

(What path, which path are you traveling today? What kind of trail are you leaving?)

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