God Cares

Today’s devotional was written by my son, Clark Wrather, who is the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Broken Bow, Oklahoma. The Scripture and title have been added.

Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for ‘God resists the proud, but give grace to the humble.’ Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. – 1 Peter 5:5-7.

My oldest son, Madison, has been sick for the last couple of days. He had it bad last Sunday. Madison had a good old-fashioned stomach virus. He looked paler than I have ever seen him, with almost no color at all in his lips. He was still and quiet, which was also an obvious indicator of how sick he really was.

Sunday afternoon, he said he was going to the bathroom to throw up. After a few minutes, I realized he had never came out and went to investigate. Madison was lying stretched out on the bathroom floor, sound asleep and snoring loudly. I called for Libby and said you’ve got to see this! I haven’t seen anything like this since college.

Madison ended up sleeping until the next morning. In all, he slept over fourteen hours. Even though he had lots of sleep, he was still weak and unable to keep down food the next day.

This was probably the absolute worst that Madison had ever felt in his short life. I felt so sorry for him. He just laid around and felt miserable. I wished I could be sick for him. I hoped he would feel better. I just hated knowing that he was having such a horrible time.

I’m not a perfect father, but God certainly is. When I was thinking about Madison, I was given insight, into the way our Father in heaven feels about us when we are going through difficult times. God cares deeply about us and actively takes care of us. Madison probably didn’t notice all the little things I did for him when he felt so bad. We probably don’t notice all the little things our Father in heaven does to take care of us, when we feel so bad.

(When things are going wrong you may not notice all that your Heavenly Father is doing for you. Even though you may not notice, He stil cares.)

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