Running Over Yourself

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. – Romans 12:2.

Martin Loechmeyer (36 years old) of Graz, Austria had a little problem on his way to the highway. His car ran over him. Of course, the car had a little help. Martin started his car, but then remembered he had forgotten his cell phone, and went back into the house for it. When he came back outside, he was shocked to see his car rolling down the driveway toward the busy highway. Martin, thinking quickly, ran in front of the rolling car, and threw himself onto the hood. But he slid under the car, and the car broke three of his ribs, and caused some leg injuries. The car? It eventually crashed into a tree a few hundred feet from the driveway.

There probably was some humor, after reflection on the thought of trying to actually stop a rolling car weighing some two thousand pounds or so. Maybe Martin will be able to laugh about this in a year or so, after he gets well (or maybe not!). When we ignore God’s warnings, it is just like throwing ourselves in front of a moving car to be run over. It will hurt! It will cause damage! It is completely avoidable!

God makes it clear over and over, that to live in a way that the “world” would have us to live, is just asking for trouble. As the apostle Paul writes, we should “not be conformed any longer to the pattern of this world.” Instead, we should allow our lives to be transformed by the Word of God, and the resources of God. Then, we will see the good and perfect will of God be fulfilled in our lives.

It really is a clear choice, not an easy choice, but a clear choice that we have. We can do what the world and the flesh wants and get run over; or we can do what God wants, and see His amazing, wondrous, marvelous will be brought about in our lives. Before you throw yourself in front of any more cars, it just might be the time to think about the choice that you have, and the consequences of what you choose.

(We can do what the world and the flesh wants, and get run over; or we can do what God wants, and see His amazing, wondrous, marvelous will be brought about in our lives.)

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