Getting Involved

…how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. – Acts 10:38 NKJV.

Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 2:3-5 NKJV.

Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men. – Titus 3:1-2 NKJV.

Minnie Bullins decided to get involved about a year ago. She needed a new vacuum sweeper and set up an appointment to meet a salesman, Steve Brown. Minnie is 67 years old and a retired nurse. When she met Steve, she immediately noticed that he had the same pale look that many patients have when close to death. Minnie says that she argued with herself as to whether or not she should say anything to Steve. But decided she had to and said, “Pardon me, I don’t mean to be rude or brash but you don’t look good.” She made Steve promise to see a doctor immediately and to call her after seeing the doctor.

It was a very good thing that Minnie decided to get involved! Steve went to a walk-in clinic where they took a blood sample. His red blood count was at about five percent with normal being 14 to 17 percent meaning Steve had lost two-thirds of his blood. Further testing revealed that he had colon cancer, and a tumor was removed from his colon. Steve is doing well now and to show his thanks to Minnie has placed on a billboard in Danbury, North Carolina, the following message, “Dear Minnie Bullins, Thank you for saving my life. God bless you, Steve Brown.”

It would have been much easier for Minnie to have kept her mouth closed and to have said nothing to Steve about her concerns. That is usually the situation when people need help. It would be easier for us if we just went our way, and said, and did, nothing. However, that is not the example that our Lord Jesus left with us. He was constantly going about getting involved in people’s lives. We also have the Biblical admonition that we are not to only consider our personal interests – we must also consider what is best for others and even place their needs above our own.

Another thing that we see happening with people who have needs and that need us to help them is the inconvenience of it. It is often in the midst of other activities that we are suddenly confronted with someone else’s need for help. We were leaving Children’s Hospital in Oklahoma City this past week after visiting a five-year-old friend, Malachi Struthers, who has cancer with a 20% survival rate (Sadly, Malachi passed away in 2010. Malachi would pray like a much older Christian, and whenever he prayed even when in much pain, he would pray, “Thank you Father for my life.”). While leaving we encountered unexpectedly another family from our area that had their baby brought to the hospital. After briefly visiting with them, we were accosted by a desperate woman wanting money to feed her family. She had been crying, and it was clear that she did need help. Sometimes we can know if we are in the right place at the right time by the people that God brings across our paths.

In addition to physical needs, there are great spiritual needs that the people around us have. I think it is usually easier to meet a physical need than it is to address a spiritual need. People in general are more receptive to being told about a physical problem than being told about a spiritual problem they may have. However, it is still our responsibility to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the lost who are dead in their sins and desperately need the touch of the life giving Savior upon their lives.

Get involved! It may save someone’s life and even better, it may send someone to Heaven for eternity.

(Sometimes we have to become involved in the lives of other people.)