Prayer Changes Things

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. – Jeremiah 29:11.

Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. – Jeremiah 33:3.

Early in my adult life, I often found myself hurrying through life without including God or even having any thoughts about God. God, however, is thinking about us and He is concerned about everything in our lives even the seemingly insignificant details. God also has a plan even for those little details.

Many years ago now when we were moving to another city we had difficulty finding a house to rent. We had a certain amount of money that we could pay toward rent and we also knew the kind of house that we wanted. Jeanie and her mother had already made a trip looking for a house (While I was in training.) and had not found anything. We were down to the last weekend before we needed to move. It was crunch time and we had to find some place live that weekend.

This last time before we ran out of time, I went with Jeanie and again it looked as if we would find nothing. But we found an ad for a house that had not been there the weekend before.

When we drove up to this house the property owner was there showing the house to other prospective renters. But he didn’t rent it to them. We definitely wanted to rent the house and it was at the price that we could afford. The property owner agreed to rent us the house and said that he would take twenty-five dollars off the rent because we were Christians. We had not told him that we were Christians but the frame that held our car tag said, “Prayer Changes Things.” Prayer had definitely changed things for the better that day!

What are some things that you are concerned about, or worried about, or going crazy about? God has some thoughts about that. Actually, God has more than just thoughts about what is going on in your life God has a plan for that.

We may think that God is too busy to care about the intimate personal details of our lives. That, however, is not true because the Holy Spirit is living inside of every true believer. How can God have enough time to answer the prayers of all of the people that are praying? He can do that because He is God. God can do what He wants in the way that He wants and He has chosen to answer our prayers. God has made the decision before the foundation of the world that He loves you and cares about you and therefore He is concerned about every detail of your life.

Maybe you ought to ask God what the plan is for every little thing in your life. Why? Because God says, “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

(God is concerned about everything that we are concerned about in our lives. Therefore, we ought to ask God about those things. Why? Because God has a plan for that.)

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