Until Jesus Returns

As Islamic terrorism increases and the world becomes more and more dangerous what should we do?...

Just Pretending

If you have just been pretending to be a Christian, I would say to you as Jonathan Edwards preached in 1741, "...let everyone that is out of Christ now awake and fly from the wrath to come."...

What If?

Knowing the importance of your prayer life, should lead to living a righteous life. Because sin will hinder your prayers....

The Pretenders

What are Christians? We are just sinners saved by grace....

Be Yourself

There is not, never has been, and never will be another person like you....


For those who love God, and persist in following Him, God plans to bring good out of the bad....

Trapping Yourself

The Bible tells us in Proverbs that those who plan crimes against others are actually planning disaster for themselves....

When Problems Come

What happens to the child of God in this life, happens in the shadow of the cross. (Update of a 2002 Devotional.)...

This is NOT Your Day!

Having joy during the bad times is a choice. We choose to have joy. We choose to be thankful during the worst of times....

A Short Death

What is it that happens after death? For the believer, after death, we will be with the Lord Jesus Christ....