Falling Back – Part 1

Without God's power, without His resources, His guidance, we will fall back, and it is very easy to do....

Coincidence or Providence?

As believers in Jesus, we can see the events that occur in our lives are wrapped in the providence of God....

Being Jesus

Jesus is not physically walking upon this Earth today, but His followers are. Those who believe in Jesus are His hands, arms, feet, legs, and eyes upon this Earth today....


Are you a Christian gurner, mentally distorting the Word of God to fit your life, and your circumstances?...


Who are you serving with your life? Determine today, choose today, whom you will serve....

Civic Responsibility

Not only should we vote to fulfill our civic responsibility, but we should vote to fulfill our moral responsibility....

Time Travelers – Part 2

We do not need a new truth, or a new feeling, or a better synchronicity. We have the Word of God....

Time Travelers

Beware of anything, or anyone who seeks to marginalize the importance of Jesus....


God wants to use you in a greater and more powerful way. How do you arrive at that point where God calls you up from the reserves, and puts you on the front lines?...

Look to Him

How can people go through life without God? I know that I need Him every day....