Are You Seeing Stars?

To avoid the unpleasant consequences of bad decisions there is something that we should always do before making a decision....

When the Wheels Fall Off

When your life comes to a sudden screeching violent stop, what do you do? Where do you turn?...


To leave the ninety-nine and seek the one that is lost will often be inconvenient....

Just Having a Bad Day

There are extreme pressures on many people in these days of job losses, investment disasters, and home foreclosures. How are Christians to cope with these pressures?...

Unseen Dangers

Every day we pass through a minefield of potential dangers and many of those dangers are unseen....

Above the Law

No one is really above the law even though they may think that they are....

Following the Herd

People are a lot like sheep and will follow others even if it takes them over a cliff....

Imperfect Governments

Just as there are only imperfect people upon this Earth there are also only imperfect governments. There never has been and never will be a perfect government until our Lord Jesus returns....

Lost in the Woods

Many are spiritually lost in this world and need someone to find them....