Looking Back

Sometimes we look back at our old life before knowing Jesus and we start to act and live like we used to....


We may think something is true or we may think that something is not true but that does not necessarily mean that we are right....

Not to Old

No one is too old to avoid being tempted....

Finish the Race

Life is a race, and some of us finish the race of life well, and some of us don't. Learn how to finish the race and to finish it well....

Break the Cycle

We need to be crying out for God to deliver us before the judgment of God comes upon us....

Boasting in Evil

What is wrong with our country? What is wrong with our world?...


Many of us pretend in our Christian lives that everything is perfect when we are actually far from being perfect....

How to be Wise

True wisdom can only come from God....

Standing Up

Are you standing up for what you believe as a Christian? Are you the salt of the earth and the light of the world?...

Tax Day

As Christians do we pay our taxes or not?...