Think, Jesus

Learn how to deal effectively with sinful thoughts....

Don’t Jump

The Bible warns against many things, our laws prohibit many things, and our parents tell us not to do other things. Why? Because there are things out there in this world that are very dangerous....

Finding Life

To find life we must go to the source of life: Jesus Christ....

He’s On His Way

God is on His Way to "receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."...

Twisting Off

Examining the relationship between employers, and employees....

You Who Fear God, Listen

We are free to choose the direction we want to travel in this life. God has given us the spiritual freedom of choice....

In God We Trust

"In God We Trust" is not just a motto; it is God's will for our lives....


If you are caught in sin, Jesus has what you need to escape, and to remain free....