The Patience of God – Part 2

If you are a child of God, if you really belong to Him, He will not allow you to walk in sin indefinitely....

Going Against the Grain

Obedience to God may mean going against the grain of the world's expectations....

Take It to the Lord

When your world is falling apart what do you do, where do you turn? Jesus says, "Come to Me."...


Most successful people in this world have some discipline in their lives....

Dress for Success

Find out how to be dress for spiritual success....

Going for the Gold

In every area of life there must be some personal discipline if we are to be successful....

Where is the Salt?

Christians are the Salt of the Earth and are a restraining force against evil in this world....

Sowing Facts

The spiritual facts of sowing spiritual seeds....

In the Middle

Many try to live life in the middle with a little bit of God and a little of the world....