The Living Dead

Spiritually, we who are Christians, who know Christ Jesus as our Savior, are the living. The dead are those who do not know Jesus as their Savior....

Begin Well

It is much easier to end the Christian life well if we begin it well....

The Adventure

Every day is a new adventure in the Lord. It is not a day for retreat but a day for you to conquer the spiritual territory before you....

Trained and Ready

Have you been trained in the spiritual disciplines?...


To paint an entire town pink may help the problem but will not solve a spiritual problem....

Living the Right Way

We can do what the world wants and lie, cheat, and steal our way until we get to the top. Or we can live the way God would have us to live and experience His blessings upon our lives....

Distractions – Part III

There will be some major distractions that occur in the lives of most people during their lifetimes. How will they respond? How will you respond?...

Distractions – Part II

Not only are there daily duties, obligations, emergencies, and unexpected obstacles that will be encountered in our lives; in addition, there are at times people who will try to derail you from your devotion to the Lord....


Little distractions can keep you from experiencing the abundant life....

Intentional Discipleship

Becoming like Jesus does not just happen - it requires intentional and serious effort....