Time to Move On

How do you know when it is time for a change in the way you have been doing things or in your life situation?...

Go Home!

Has life pushed you down so far that you think you can never get back up? Read and be encouraged....


If we sin and never experience the emotion of shame it may be because of one of two possibilities....


There is a temptation to overreact to different situations and cause harm to yourself and others, including the Kingdom of God....

No Accident

Too many times miracles are simply explained away as being an accident or a coincidence....

No Excuses

There will come a day when no excuses will be allowed as to whether you know or do not know Jesus as your personal Savior....

Sucking Eggs

It is possible for God to free you from your addiction....

Have No Fear

We should have no fear in approaching God for mercy when we come in the Name of Jesus....

Swallowed Alive

We should live our lives to the glory of God because life can end very suddenly....