Category: Christian Living

Falling Back – Part 2

The Bible does give us some instructions, some guidance, about how to actually live a God pleasing life....

Falling Back – Part 1

Without God's power, without His resources, His guidance, we will fall back, and it is very easy to do....


Who are you serving with your life? Determine today, choose today, whom you will serve....

Civic Responsibility

Not only should we vote to fulfill our civic responsibility, but we should vote to fulfill our moral responsibility....

Time Travelers – Part 2

We do not need a new truth, or a new feeling, or a better synchronicity. We have the Word of God....

Time Travelers

Beware of anything, or anyone who seeks to marginalize the importance of Jesus....

Believing Lies

Our enemies have no problem with calling "evil good, and good evil."...

Still Here

We are still here, still alive, still kicking as some would say, but what are we doing with our lives?...


Whether it is the love of a husband and a wife, or the love of a believer for His God, that love should be priceless. As the Psalmist says we should be "satisfied" with that love....

Short Term Thinking

Not only can short term thinking damage your body, and your relationships, but it will prevent the implementation of God's will, His plan in your life....